klimaVest: Zwei Kinder mit einem
  Spielzeug Windrad umarmen sich und gehen dabei einen Feldweg entlang.

Tips from our experts What does it take to climb a wind turbine?

15.02.2022 3 Reading Time

klimaVest: Redakteurin Annemarie Fountoukas
Annemarie Fountoukas

Climbing a wind turbine like this can be quite strenuous and, above all, dangerous. So it’s no wonder that you have to carry a lot of equipment with you when you climb the on average 130 m giants in order to be ready for anything should the worst come to the worst. It’s a saving grace that all wind turbines in the klimaVest portfolio have an elevator.

What it takes to climb a wind turbine: 

klimaVest: Eine
  Infografik die zeigt, was alles benötigt wird um auf ein Windrad zu steigen.
  Diese Sachen sind: eine Winde, feste Schuhe, Handschuhe, Musik, Klettergurt,
  Helm, Kletterausrüstung, Energie und ein Handy.

Emergency fall arrest equipment
Imperative to use: the emergency fall arrest equipment allows safe and controlled descent from the wind turbine in case of an emergency.

Safety footwear
The safety shoes form part of personal protective equipment and protect against injuries to the foot.

Gloves protect the hands from protruding wires or metal splinters. There is also better grip when climbing and descending while wearing gloves.

Hearing protection
The noise of a wind turbine is mainly caused by the generator and the gearbox in the nacelle. The noise level at the top of the nacelle can reach up to 100 decibels. Hearing protection is mandatory to prevent damage to the ears.

Safety harness
The safety harness is a key equipment item when ascending a wind turbine. In the event of a fall, the technician’s descent is stopped and the arresting loads are distributed evenly and gently over several areas of the body. The harness can then be used to rescue the casualty directly.

The helmet protects against injuries to the head in the event of impacts, falls or falling objects (only to a limited extent from falling objects – depending on the weight, shape and drop height).

Guided-type fall arrester
The guided-type fall arrester protects against falling from a fixed ladder.

Belt fall attenuator
The belt fall attenuator is made of high-strength strap material and is a device for reducing the impact in the event of a fall.

Energy bar
Climbing up a wind turbine is strenuous and exhausting. An energy bar is suitable for short-term energy replenishment.

Mobile telephone
The mobile telephone can be used to make an emergency call and keep in touch with colleagues on the ground. Work can also be documented with the camera function.

The first ascent requires a certain amount of courage and, if there is no lift, some strength in the legs. As compensation, however, a magnificent view awaits you.
klimaVest: Asset Manager Christopher
Christopher Herten
Senior Technical Manager Green Deal Infrastructure
Windrad aus Vogelperspektive mit Nebel


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