klimaVest: Luftaufnahme des Windparks ToutVent

Works with all the forces of the wind: Tout Vent

3 Reading Time

klimaVest: Redakteurin Annemarie Fountoukas
Annemarie Fountoukas

Energy production of 59,300 megawatt-hours

You don't have to look for long to find the wind in the western French region of Nouvelle Aquitaine, not far from the Bay of Biscay. Wind speeds of up to 34 kilometres per hour are not uncommon here. It is no coincidence that the Tout Vent wind farm has been created there, which makes use of precisely these forces.

With six turbines from leading manufacturer Nordex, Tout Vent is designed for annual energy production of around 59,300 megawatt-hours. This not only covers the average annual consumption of more than 11,000 French households, but also reduces annual greenhouse gas emissions by around 6,700 tonnes.

Premiere in the French electricity market

The acquisition of the BayWa r.e. wind farm was also the entry into the French electricity market. It is highly likely that further locations will follow in Europe. Especially as working together with the internationally active project developer and operator BayWa r.e. has already proven its worth several times over. Before Tout Vent, three joint projects had already been implemented in Spain and Germany. BayWa r.e. has already secured a state feed-in tariff for Tout Vent over 20 years and will also be responsible for operations management in the future.

Ein Mann liegt mit seinem Handy auf der Couch und lacht.

11,000 French households

Households supplied with green electricity per year

klimaVest: Luftaufnahme des Windparks ToutVent

6,700 t CO₂

avoidance per year²

Strommasten, die den Strom von klimaVest transportieren

59,300 megawatt-hours

Annual energy production

Impressions of the klimaVest wind farm Tout Vent

klimaVest: Aufnahme aus dem Kornfeld mit Heuballen eines Windrades im Windpark ToutVent
klimaVest: Luftaufnahme eines Windrades im Windpark ToutVent
klimaVest: Luftaufnahme des Windparks ToutVent
klimaVest: Ein Arbeiter auf einem Windrad im Windpark ToutVent
As of 01/2022

¹ Power purchase agreements (PPAs) are long-term electricity purchase agreements between a producer of electricity and a purchaser of electricity. 

²Calculated assuming that the plants generate and feed electricity in accordance with technical expertise and the methodology of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (https://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/tools/am-tool-07-v7.0.pdf); Prevention factors of the International financial institutions (https://unfccc.int/climate-action/sectoral-engagement/ifis-harmonisation-of-standards-for-ghg-accounting/ifi-twg-list-of-methodologies) and the upstream emissions of the Federal Environment Agency ( https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/1410/publikationen/2019-11-07_cc-37-2019_emissionsbilanz-erneuerbare-energien_2018.pdf). 

³Calculated on the basis of data from the Federal Statistical Office under the assumption that a German household consumes 3,113 kWh per year (as of 06/2021, reference year 2018).   

⁴Calculated under the assumption that a football field can accommodate approx. 300 trees. 

⁵Calculated based on data from the Bavarian State Institute for Forestry (Leaflet 27) under the following assumptions for an average beech tree: 80 years growing period, 23 m high and 30 cm trunk diameter, which binds 1,000 kg of CO₂ over its life cycle.